Tag: commute

Three Ways to Celebrate Self-Improvement Month in September and Beyond!

The month of September ushers in a new season. A time when we collectively say goodbye to blistering summer heat and welcome in the cool crisp air of Fall. During this time, nature and wildlife begin to prune and retreat as they brace for colder months. It is the simple act of assessing where they are and reviewing what they need to progress to the next season.

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Personal Finances: Four Ways to Save Money While at Work

With our economy experiencing a season of inflation, it may feel a bit daunting each time you make a work-related purchase. But fear not! I’ve compiled a list of ways you may be able to reduce your work-related expenses and feel more financially at ease when you’re in the office.

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Commutes Are Back and the Public Has Varying Opinions

In the time prior to March of 2020, commuting to work was an expected – and accepted – part of everyday life. At that time the average one-way commute in Washington, DC was around 30 minutes. Now, many who read this would wish their one-way daily commute was only 30 minutes.

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