Podcasts for Productivity

Podcasts are becoming the new books on tape…the new DVR for the millennial…the new mixtape without the music.
While blogs are still quite popular, it was only five or six years ago when they were the best way to consume custom content. We could read them whenever and wherever we chose. A podcast is the natural evolution of the blog offering curated content in an audio or video format.
While podcasts are often informational or entertaining in nature, have you ever considered listening to a podcast to help improve productivity? How about asking your team members to listen to a podcast to help build morale, align approaches to productivity or just understand how others are tackling productivity issues?
According to a recent study by EX-IQ,”42% of Millennials, over a third (36%) of Gen Z and a quarter of all other generations listen to podcasts while at work”.
Often podcasts are no longer than 15 or 20 minutes so it’s not a significant time drain to sit and listen or suggest others do at the office. But where do you go? What podcasts are most appropriate for improving productivity? To answer this question we, of course, visited our friends at Google. Below are a few links to lists of recommended productivity podcasts. Personally, I value #9 on the Tameday list, “Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat”.
5 Podcasts That Are a Must for a Productive Workday
5 Go-to Podcasts When You Need a Pick-me-up in Business and Life
Whether your goal is to work more efficiently or to create better work/life balance, a podcast can be an effective learning method. Let us know what podcasts you listen to that help you find more joy at work and in life. We’d love to share them here!