7 Ways to Give When You’re on a Tight Budget

As the COVID-19 weirdness stretches on, the needs in our community continue to grow. At the same time, budgets are tighter than ever and the normal path for donations has been (hopefully temporarily) disrupted.
You have a big heart and you want to help, but you don’t know how on a limited income? Here are a few ideas:
- Time – Goodness knows we have more of that on our hands. You can still make a difference in your community. See a house bound at-risk neighbor whose lawn is getting a bit unruly? Offer to mow it. Or, take their trash cans to the curb. Maybe offer to go to the grocery store for them. These small acts of kindness can pay off in a big way.
- Social Media – We’re all using social media more often with our newfound time at home. Along with sharing inspirational illustrations and selfies on places like Instagram, take a moment to engage with and share posts of organizations that you support. This will help raise awareness about their offerings, encouraging others to take action.
- Give the Gift of Life – As with any crisis, blood supplies are in short supply. Find out how you can give here: https://www.redcross.org/give-blood.html
- Rewards – Many credit cards and airlines allow you to donate your points and miles to charity. This link provides some good tips: https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/travel/donate-credit-card-points-miles-cash-back-charity/
- Gift Cards – We are painfully aware of what the current shutdown is doing to local businesses. One way to help is to buy gift cards on-line. You can save them for later use or donate them to a local charity. And, you’ll be throwing a lifeline to these neighborhood institutions.
- Share – Since you’re probably spending more time on-line than ever before a free way to help is by sharing and promoting charities that you follow. While you may not be in a position to donate funds you can help spread the word to those who can.
- There’s an App for That – Of course there is..
- Charity miles will donate to the charity of your choice for every mile you walk or jog. Find out more at: https://charitymiles.org/
- Donate a photo – You’re taking countless pics of your dog. Why not turn them into money for the charity of your choice. Find out how here: https://www.donateaphoto.com/en_US
- Walk for a dog – We may have to stay inside but our dogs have to go out. Like, right now! You can donate while taking your pooch for a walk: https://www.wooftrax.com/faq
These are just a few ideas on how to donate while things are tight. What have we missed? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.