How Businesses and Organizations are Helping Their Employees During COVID-19

As the weeks come and go, a variety of industries are increasingly being hit harder and deeper, affecting everything from the supply chain to the lives of those in their workforce. It’s become daily news that the economy is in trouble, with millions of jobs in jeopardy.
This is a complex time for everyone, employers and employees alike. But those who have lost their jobs, their livelihood, are now asking the most difficult-to-answer and troubling questions. How will I support my family? What should I do to stay safe? What does my future look like? This is just a small collection of what’s going through the minds of our now distressed workforce.
It is a relief to see, however, that employers of all kinds are stepping up to the plate, to assist their teams, even if they had to layoff many individuals. It’s an unconditional support and love for their workforce that provides a glimmer of hope for the future. From Relief Funds to Virtual Career Centers, the types of assistance take many much-needed forms.
Hilton, a hotel industry leader, just launched a Virtual Workforce Center, that provides an array of free resources for their associates to utilize. On their website, you can find:
- A continuously updated list of places that are hiring
- Virtual Career Fairs
- A variety of ways to stay connected with the Hilton HR team
Goodwill of Greater Washington is one of the hundreds of nonprofits and retailers that had to furlough its associates. However, a variety of actions have been implemented to support our associates during this tough time.
- RISE Coaches, members of our Goodwill team are available to provide career and life-skills coaching for retail associates, continue to advocate for our them, and connect them with community resources during this difficult time.
- We started a Facebook group for associates to connect with each other, provide emotional support, and stay in touch with their Goodwill community.
- We launched a new virtual career center to share more information with associates on how to navigate these uncertain times while improving their job skills to make them more marketable.
- We continue to communicate updates and information regularly through an internal text messaging platform so that our associates know we’re still working for them.
Restaurant owners are defining the power of collaboration. In DC, the co-owners of Adams Morgan restaurant Tail Up Goat teamed up with other restaurant owners to form the D.C. Hospitality Coalition. This group’s goal is to be a free resource for bar and restaurant owners and laid off workers, and to help industry stakeholders join forces for advocacy efforts. Another focus of theirs is to connect with restaurant owners nationwide to build extensive programming and resources for laid off staff.
These are just three industries that are vowing to support their teams, fully dedicated to the well-being of their communities, who are the heart of their organizations.
If you know of an organization or business, like our Goodwill that is in need, you don’t need to be an industry leader or business owner to help. For example, you can provide assistance to over hundreds of people affected at Goodwill by providing direct support through a financial gift.
And if you are not in a place where you can provide financial support, sharing your favorite restaurants posts on social media, purchasing needed goods from small businesses and signing legislative petitions are some valued ways to make a difference too.
While we all understand that this is a time for concern, let’s not forget that it is also a time for compassion.