"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" - Martin Luther King Jr.
As a high school service organization, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) Key Club’s primary goal is to showcase the importance of volunteer-based service by fostering a better community and assisting those in need. One way we give back to our community is through our annual Holiday Toy and Book Drive, aimed at providing holiday gifts for those in need.
To receive as many donations as possible, we put up posters, set up donation boxes, and promoted the drive on social media and by spreading awareness. Thanks to the generosity of everyone, we exceeded our initial goal and received more than 200 toys and books.
We chose to partner with Goodwill for our Holiday Drive because Goodwill helps bring positive change in our community that resonates with our club’s mission. Goodwill helps provide affordable goods to those most in need. In addition, Goodwill’s mission services program uses more than 94% of donation proceeds to provide free community education and training.
Supporting nonprofits like Goodwill that fill important roles in our community is one way we can give back and help make a difference.
Written by: Radin Rezanezhad, Sumedh Anuganti, and Alexander O’Quinn
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Key Club