Welcome to the Workforce, Gen Z.

The times they are a changin’. – Bob Dylan
This is a quote from a song that most members of Generation Z will not know but with their slavish attention to the digital universe, they can find an answer rather easily.
It is predicted that at some point this year Gen Z will make up 40% of the working and consumer population.
Who are these people?
First, they are at the starting point of their careers as the oldest members are around 23 years old. As organizations prepare for an influx of this fresh, new talent it will be instructive to know what this group is interested.
- 65% say salary is an important motivating factor when selecting a job. Furthermore, 70% say it is a top motivator
- And, 70% also say health insurance is very important
- 77% say they will work harder than previous generations
This generation of workers is more competitive and entrepreneurial than Milennials. Their long term goals are to be financially stable and find a dream job. They seek an empowering work culture with potential for career growth. And, believe the two most important skills in succeeding in the workplace are communication and problem-solving.
This generation is tech smart. They spend up to ten hours a day on up to five different screens a day. This is not all fun and games, though.
- 23% feel texting is an important part of workplace communication.
- At the same time they feel face-to-face interactions are important.
- 40% want daily interactions with their boss.
Environmentally, they are not into cube farms, preferring a more open workplace; 69% want their own workspace.
What other issues are important to Gen Z?
- Only 38% think work/life balance is important
- 76% feel that they are responsible for their career growth
- 58% would work nights or weekends for higher pay
- 36% say equality is the most important cause for their employer to support
- 80% prefer to work for a mid-size or large company
While one size never fits all these data points can provide insight into the interests and motivations of our next wave of workforce entrants.
Does this data ring true in your experiences? How are you equipping your organization for these new workforce entrants?
Please share in the comment section below.
*Data in this article was sourced from the following: