Working Capital Blog

What Do You Do?

Here’s an icebreaker. When you’re attending a social gathering, and you meet someone new, should you ask them what they do for work? 

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Saluting the Goodwill Workforce This Labor Day

We are extremely proud of every Goodwill team member and the positive impact they make on our community - whether as an employee or a volunteer.  This Labor Day, we publicly salute and appreciate you!

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A Guide to Donating to Goodwill of Greater Washington: Tips from an Insider

Whether you're a seasoned giver or just starting out, here are some insider tips from Goodwill of Greater Washington employees to ensure your donation process is seamless and makes the greatest difference.

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Back To School Shopping Tips from a Father Who Thrifts

There are probably items I have missed, but this is a good start. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also find some cool stuff they will surely like; after all, thrifting is all the rage these days (and hopefully, beyond). Lastly, you’ll be making a difference in your local community by contributing to a nonprofit that changes lives and communities.

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Improve Work-Life Balance with These Phone-Free Tips

As we have become more addicted to those devices, we are losing touch with the real world. Here are a few tips that may help you, if not de-couple, at least take a break from the constant screen scrolling.

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Celebrating the 34th Anniversary of the ADA

One of the core populations served by Goodwill of Greater Washington (GGW) includes individuals with differing abilities. GGW participates in the AbilityOne program, which provides job opportunities to individuals with severe disabilities. 

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