Working Capital Blog

Career Spring Cleaning

Spring is finally upon us and the opportunity to refresh aspects of our lives after the long winter is knocking at our door. But as we take this opportunity to dive into spring cleaning let's not neglect the chance to spruce up our professional lives as well.

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Spring Workplace Fashions

Our Finding Your Good blogger and Digital Communications Manager, Carolyn Becker, gives her fashion expertise on spring trends in the workplace!

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Are your professional references strategic or convenient?

To remain competitive, job applicants need to take a more thoughtful and strategic approach to building a list of references.

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Ageism vs. Experience

After a successful career where you have amassed a load of experience, you find yourself on the job market again. Should you worry about ageism?

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Evolution of the Employee Evaluation

Are annual performance reviews a thing of the past? This week Steve Allan of SMThree explores the evolution of employee evaluations.

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Unusual Jobs of U.S. Presidents

Today, many politicians begin their careers in the political arena, starting out as interns, activists, aides or consultants. However, that wasn’t always the case,

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