Working Capital Blog

No Vacation Nation: Are Americans Really Skipping Vacations?

Statistics referring to the U.S. as the “no vacation nation” date back as far as ten years ago. So should we be worried about this trend?

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Jobs of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence

As you grill and chill in the coming weeks, remember that our long national journey began with these (and many other) brave souls.

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Are Hiring Parties the Answer to Labor Shortages?

With unemployment low and available jobs high employers are using more and more tactics in order to reach qualified candidates. Would you attend a "hiring party" to land your dream job?

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Jobs Disappearing Due To Automation

While the DMV area is less dependent on heavy industry than other areas, it does not mean we are immune to the slow creep of automation. Here is a look at the jobs most likely to be replaced by machines in our workforce.

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What To Do After The Job Fair

In a world where AI sorts out the wanted resumes from the unwanted, a job fair is where you can engage in actual human interaction with real live recruiters! Once you’ve worked that room – here are a few next steps you can take!

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