by: Ben Dennis Posted: Mar 15, 2024 / 05:24 PM EDT Updated: Mar 15, 2024 / 05:24 PM EDT
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WASHINGTON (DC News Now) — The recent weather warm up may prompt people to think about the spring and summer months, including parents building their kids’ seasonal wardrobe. DC News Now found that whether buying in-store, thrifting or heading online, consumers can save money if they take time to price check.
Michaela Bortle, an Arlington County mother, said her hunt for her kids’ clothes dips in to several spots, including thrift stores like Goodwill.“Goodwill, Old Navy and H&M are my go-to kids clothes,” she said.
Goodwill sells secondhand products online and ships directly to consumers. According to ValuePenguin, the average household spends $120 a month on clothes — $45 for women and girls, $27 for men and boys and $26 for shoes.
“If I know what I’m looking for I’ll just search for it on Amazon,” Bortle said. “I actually think I have the most success shopping online.”
Shoppers can save even more cash buying out of season, visiting clearance racks, utilizing community clothing swaps and downloadable browser extensions to price-check retailers online.