7 Strange But True White House Jobs

On any given day up to 4,000 people are employed by The White House. In addition to the president himself, those jobs consist of advisors, senior advisors, secretaries, attorneys, as well as custodial staff, service staff, kitchen staff and more.
However, there are some jobs in The White House that I bet even the most seasoned Beltway Insider isn’t aware of. But now you are! Here are seven jobs inside The Nation’s House that might have you scratching your head.
- Chimney Sweep – Yes, the White House has 28 fireplaces and someone has to keep all those chimneys clean. We can’t have birds making nests in the chimneys of the most important house in the world!
- Barber – I sure wish my office had its own barber. That would save me $20 every two weeks which would pay for my parking – for a day.
- Calligrapher – Thousands of letters and invitations are mailed from the White House every year. We all know that the president isn’t handwriting them and they’re not coming via Eventbrite. Cursive handwriting is a dying art, except in the White House.
- Body Man – It’s not what it sounds like, so settle down. The Body Man is basically a personal aide to the president and handles all of his personal needs. Maybe even scheduling a haircut with The White House barber.
- Usher – Yes, the White House has movie theatres too! Just kidding…it’s not that kind of usher. This usher is a member of the household staff and serves in the President’s private residence, often coordinating activities with the White House social secretary.
- Stenographer – The president needs to be careful what comes out of his mouth because his personal stenographer is following him everywhere to take a written record of everything he says.
- Records Management Analyst (RMA) – Top secret documents can’t be left sitting on a table waiting for someone to pick them up. The RMA retrieves and organizes all important documents to ensure that they go where and to whom they are supposed to.
There are thousands of other jobs inside the White House. Some of them may even be top secret like who repairs the ball retriever in the White House bowling alley. Inquiring minds want to know.