6 Professional New Year’s Resolutions – And How to Actually Make Them Happen

A new year begins which means millions of us will be making promises that we will likely not keep.
Here are a few sobering thoughts:
- According to Strava, the social network for athletes, January 12th it the date when New Year’s resolutions begin to die.
- And, according to a study by the University of Scranton, only eight percent of us will achieve our new year’s goals.
Let’s not be those people. As 2021 rises before us, here are some simple resolutions you can make (and keep) for your professional life.
1.) Take stock of your career path. Are you where you want to be? Are you happy with what you are doing? Are you progressing as you had hoped? This is a good time to pause and reflect on what you have accomplished and what you want to do. Is it time for a course correction or time to take more courses? Treat your own career path as you would the needs of a client or customer. Perform a CNA (Customer Needs Analysis) on yourself. Be honest.
2.) Review your social media profiles. When was the last time you looked at your LinkedIn profile? How about your privacy settings on Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc.? This one should be easy to accomplish.
3.) Expand your network. Whether on-line or through professional gatherings make it a goal to make at least one new contact this year. You could probably do more but we’re setting a low bar. Remember the 8%?
4.) Expand your knowledge base. Whether its learning new software or deepening your understand of your current programs – make it a goal to add to your skill set.
5.) Get to know your teammates better. The best way to do this is to get them to talk about themselves. They will think you are amazing.
6.) Count to three. During this slow season remind yourself that stress is something you can control. Try to be more patient – with yourself as well as others. Unless you are working in a life and death field it is highly unlikely that this project is life and death. Breathe. You’ll think more clearly when you relax.
OK, we are not suggesting you adopt all of the above suggestions. That is certainly a prescription for failure. Pick one…and really do it.
What resolutions have we missed? Please share them in the comments section.
Happy New Year!