May is here, and it is the season of graduations. All across the country, thousands of newly minted degree earners are searching for their first “real” job. As they scroll through the various employment websites, we would like to offer this suggestion: consider working for a nonprofit.
Here are a few reasons why this could be the right option for you:
- Nonprofits are mission-based. Their goal is to make a difference in their field of focus. You would become part of something larger than yourself. This is not to say that for-profit companies are not a viable option. Many for-profit companies also support worthwhile causes. However, that is a result of what they do, not the main impetus. That said, most of today’s nonprofits operate like for-profit corporations. Money makes the world go around, and every nonprofit is looking for grants and donations. For example, Goodwill of Greater Washington operates many retail stores. Yes, we sell gently unwanted items. The point of those sales is to invest in our core mission of workforce development. We are a social enterprise that is locally based and community-focused.
- Starting off at a nonprofit is a great way to build your resume quickly. Since many nonprofits are smaller than large for-profit corporations, you could be responsible for many things that will help you expand your skill set. Within a social enterprise like Goodwill, you will gain experience in your area of discipline, not only supporting a mission-based operation, but also diverse lines of business, like government contracting, sustainability and recycling, academic and educational institutions, and affordable housing and real estate, in addition to retail and e-commerce. Social enterprises offer job applicants the unique opportunity to work in a more traditional business environment while still having a direct and positive impact on the community.
- Since every nonprofit is mission-oriented, you would be joining a true team—one where every team member is aligned for the same purpose. While you will be earning a paycheck, you can also feel good about the fact that you are making a difference.
- Most nonprofits offer competitive healthcare benefits and tuition assistance. Do you have student loans? Working for a nonprofit could provide you with some debt relief under the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/public-service
- Finally, nonprofits like Goodwill of Greater Washington invest in their employees. Our RISE program provides our employees with dedicated coaches who help with developing both workplace and life skills. This not only benefits the individual, but it also has an impact on their community. You can read about our RISE program and explore career opportunities with us here: https://dcgoodwill.org/careers/careers-at-goodwill-of-dc/
Whether you are beginning your employment journey or looking for a career enhancement, the nonprofit world is an excellent place to start. Good luck!