Stylish Back to Work COVID Gear: Are You the Next Fashion Icon?

I know we’re all sick of the over-used cliché, “the new normal”, but another new normal may soon be upon us – the protective fashion changes to the office workplace.
While retail stores have all incorporated sneeze guards, protective masks, hand sanitizers, and six foot social distancing markers into daily operations, what will office COVID PPE look like? Nerdy or Gnarly?! Here are just a few trends that are all the buzz in the “Back to work” fashion community, so if you want to become a fashion influencer, now’s your chance.
• Scuba gear – Oxygen tanks might be a lot to carry around on your back all day, but if you’re sitting at a desk and can put the tanks on the floor, at least you know the air you breath won’t be contaminated. Just be sure to store extra tanks if you’re working overtime. And you’ll look pretty sporty!
• Chain mail – I know it’s old school, but it protected medieval warriors for centuries so who’s to say it won’t work against a small, though dangerous, virus? As I recall from fairy tales, damsels in distress found it pretty smokin’ too.
• Ski gloves – Have you ever worn latex gloves for an extended period of time?! Your hands start to feel like they’re underwater from all the sweat the gloves retain. While ski gloves might not provide the same level of mobility that latex gloves offer, they are far more comfortable and offer the same level of protection against the virus on surfaces. Just make sure you buy a trendy brand with a clearly visible logo so everyone can see just how chic you are.
• Nose clips – We all hate it when we try to talk with our protective masks on and the mask slowly starts to slip down our face exposing our noses to the potentially dangerous virus particles. Well, a nose clip, like the kind you might use while swimming, offers a redundant level of protection. If your mask should slip, don’t fret, your nose clip will protect you! And while others are struggling to push their masks back above their noses, you can chuckle at how silly they look, while you’re comfortably protected in a hip nose clip. It won’t hurt that you look innovative to your boss either!
• Hazmat suits – I don’t really need to explain the value of this idea do I? You can throw COVID parties in your office if you’re all dressed up in this stylish protective apparel. Go get ‘em COVID Ken and Pandemic Pam. You’re true fashion icons of the new normal and we want to be just like you.
These are just a few fashion suggestions. I’m sure you have a few more to share so don’t be shy. We’re all about fashion at Goodwill.
**DISCLAIMER: This post is satirical. We don’t actually recommend you try any of these ideas. We just thought that a little levity right now might bring about a few smiles. The health and safety of our associates and the community is a priority at Goodwill of Greater Washington. We take social distancing very seriously and understand the importance of taking protective measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.