What is Hidden Overwork?

The BBC recently published an article titled: “The hidden overwork that creeps into so many jobs.” The link is below, but here are a few highlights:
These hidden – even quiet – overwork moments may not feel like work, but they still are. And as this extra effort is morphing into a tacit expectation it is becoming harder for workers to shake off – subsequently, making it impossible to ever turn off.
Sound familiar? How much overwork do you perform and don’t even think about it?
For many employees it is easy to fall into these hidden overwork patterns. For one, some of the tasks have simply become baked into office-job culture. As going above and beyond has increasingly become a tacit employer expectation…
We all give 110%, right? We all push ourselves to be more productive and more prepared. And we are doing it on our own time. This level of “dedication” can be taken for granted by employers.
It’s really important to distinguish between two types of work – the work that gives you energy and the work that takes energy away from you.