Working Capital Blog

How Goodwill Helps its Team Members RISE to their Fullest Potential!

Coaches work with our team members to help them cope with emotional and tangible barriers to happiness and professional or personal success.  Anyone who has struggled to maintain a proper work/life balance or wondered how they would pay the mortgage and buy a gas can attest that tangible challenges can often lead to emotional challenges. 

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The Five Reasons Why You Should Work for a Nonprofit Organization

May is here, and it is the season of graduations. All across the country, thousands of newly minted degree earners are searching for their first “real” job. As they scroll through the various employment websites, we would like to offer this suggestion: consider working for a nonprofit.

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Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Three-Day Weekend in a Hybrid World

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Celebrating the Moms of Goodwill of Greater Washington!

This Mother’s Day, we would like to take a moment and recognize the mothers of the Goodwill of Greater Washington community who have helped shape our team members into the individuals they are today and those team members who are now shaping the lives of the future.

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National Volunteer Month: Three Great Ways to Give Back to Your Community!

I had the pleasure of speaking with Maria Iraheta, the General Manager of our Dulles location, to learn about what it truly takes to open a Goodwill store and donation center.

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Fascinating Green Job Trends

Happy Earth Month! As we celebrate the only planet we (currently) populate, we thought it would be interesting to see what the green job market looks like. 

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