How Skills I Learned in the Military Still Apply to my Civilian Career

As we honor our veterans here at Goodwill, we decided to ask some of them about their military experience and how what they learned has shaped them, prepared them, and sustained them in their new civilian careers. Here’s what they had to say:
Char Welmerink, Goodwill of Greater Washington Talent Acquisition Partner
US Army National Guard Member
“I served in the Army National Guard and working as a team is something the military taught me and still holds true to this day. No matter where you go, you can accomplish a lot more with a team on a mission.”
Ramon Torres, Goodwill of Greater Washington Talent Acquisition Partner
US Navy Cryptologic Technician Interpretive First Class (CTI1)
“The military taught me many valuable lessons. It taught me to embrace the diversity found in a team, whether cultural, ethnic, religious, etc. Diversity is where new, out-of-the-box ideas can be found. It also taught me one of the most practical lessons applicable to any workforce: adaptability. If you embrace the fact that change will come and approach it from a place of understanding and acceptance, hardly anything can surprise you.”
Kendrick Roberson, Goodwill Production Assistant Manager
Sergeant, United States Marine Corps
“I Kendrick Roberson was a sergeant in the Marine Corps. Honor Courage and Commitment are what we stand on and what I still today believe to be the embodiment of my values. Through the military, I learned how to work with all individuals from all walks of life and I understand that the differences of each individual matter none and Unit cohesion is everything in order to effectively and efficiently reach mission readiness and accomplishment. I worked as an Aviation Electrician Production Control Officer. I appreciate the stepping stones that were placed before me and realize now that with proper planning every mission job or duty is but a simple task. Working now at Goodwill as a Production Assistant Manager I am able to utilize the tools from my past endeavors and put them to use in the environment in which I work today. Individuals under my charge will never be expected to do anything that I am not willing to do myself and communicate with them respectfully yet tactfully so that we can succeed as a Team. Through My Corps I have learned not to adjust to environments but be the niche in which all others should adjust to! OORAH! or SEMPER FI! Always A MARINE!”