Personal Finances: Four Ways to Save Money While at Work

For some, the opportunity to primarily work from home has changed over the past year as more employers embrace a hybrid work environment. This means some days are spent in-person and on-site while others may be spent elsewhere, including home, coworking spaces, or even the beach! One of the most significant concerns of those returning to the office is how to decrease workday expenses. With our economy experiencing a season of inflation, it may feel a bit daunting each time you make a work-related purchase. But fear not! I’ve compiled a list of ways you may be able to reduce your work-related expenses and feel more financially at ease when you’re in the office.
- One of the easiest ways to reduce your expenses at work is to bring your lunch. I know, I know, a turkey sandwich on rye is not as appealing as a cheeseburger meal; however, it is budget-friendly. In the article, How Much Do Americans Spend on Lunch? Accredited Debt Relief shares the contrast between the cost of purchasing lunch and bringing your lunch from home. A study conducted by VISA exposed that Americans, on average, spend $2,746 on lunch annually. That’s $53 a week! While the average homemade lunch costs on average $4 per meal or $20 a week.
- Another way to reduce work expenses is to cancel your daily trip to your favorite coffee hub. Trust me; I enjoy a great latte as much as the next person; however, those fancy cups of Joe add up pretty fast. Instead, take advantage of your company’s coffee bar and personalize your coffee with your favorite creamer. Take it up and notch, if you dare, and use a battery-operated milk frother to give your coffee that barista touch! However, if your company does not offer complimentary coffee, make yours at home and bring it with you.
- This next suggestion is one of my favorites because you will not only reduce your expenses, you’ll become healthier while doing it, and that’s to use your company’s fitness center! This company perk is often underutilized yet provides employees with financial and wellness benefits. However, if your company does not offer an on-site fitness center, they may offer discounted membership at a local fitness center in your area. A quick review of your benefits plan should determine if this option is available.
- Lastly, consider creating a car-pooling group where you each take turns driving your colleagues to the office. By dedicating 2-3 days a week specifically for car-pooling, you’ll reduce your fuel cost, parking fees, and miles driven on your vehicle. As a bonus, with fewer cars on the road, you’ll also help to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions which would help to improve our air quality.
There are certainly more ways you may be able to reduce your work expenses, some that may be more niche to your work environment or company. Therefore, I challenge you to explore these additional opportunities and share that information with a colleague. Happy saving!