Working Capital Blog

5 Strange & Cool Goodwill of Greater Washington Donations

Throughout the year, Goodwills across America process millions of donations. Some end up on the shelves, some are recycled and others are just, well, strange. In the spirit of Halloween we searched out some of the “tricks” Goodwill donation centers have received…

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How Sick Is ‘Too Sick’ to Work?

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the work landscape for workers on many fronts. For employers, the ability to have staff work remotely during COVID has meant that employees are less likely to spread or contract any illnesses at the workplace. It also has cut back on commute times, allowing remote workers to have more hours in the day available to complete...

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National Hispanic Heritage Month – Goodwill Celebrates

From September 15th through October 15th, Goodwill of Greater Washington observes National Hispanic Heritage Month, a month-long celebration of the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latinx Americans. 

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Honoring Our Veterans during the 20th Anniversary of September 11th

Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of the deadliest attack in history on American soil. September 11, 2001 is a day that will forever live in infamy, with 2,977 lives lost and countless lives altered forever.  

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Labor Day 1921: Looking Back to a Century Ago

As we prepare to celebrate Labor Day with the usual backyard bar-b-ques and last gasp beach get-a-ways, we thought it would be fun to look back on what this holiday was like 100 years ago.

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Celebrating September’s Jewish High Holidays

For those who practice Judaism, this September is an especially important month, filled with significant holidays that the community recognizes in various ways.

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