Working Capital Blog

Can You Make a Love Connection Via Zoom?

While most of us are deciding between chocolates and flowers, there is an entire industry built around this hallmark holiday. So, we decided to do a little research to find what careers are possible in the romance industry.

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In Honor of My Mother, Maiola Thomas-Coleman

Grassroot efforts has always been something that has been a part of my family history, from my grandmother Tommie Thomas, receiving a Legacy Award from George Bush Sr., and my mother Maiola Coleman getting honored and placed in the Congressional Records. Both were for their work in the community and getting people resources such as employment, shelter, food etc.

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Ways to Navigate & Overcome Unemployment Gaps

Employers have become much more understanding about employment gaps. They understand that these have increased due to a variety of reasons. Downsizing, illness, taking care of family, childcare are just some of the contributing factors to employment gaps. If this has happened to you – what should you do?

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5 Ways to Have Virtual Fun at Work

The point is that even though we're all working miles apart from one another, it doesn't mean we can't still have fun together while at work. It just needs to be virtual!

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Declutter Your Jargon

One of our goals for 2022 – besides survival – should be to reduce our use and dependence on jargon. Every industry does it. In the right setting, jargon can be used to effectively communicate with peers in a knowledge-based environment.

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5+ Tips on Digital Decluttering Before the New Year

One must not neglect the environment behind the phone or computer screen. A decluttered work email inbox or personal phone photo collection can contribute to improving one's mental health and productivity. To help you get started, here are some tips to guide you through the digital decluttering process.

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