Get Organized Month: Eight Benefits of Getting Organized ASAP
To show just how incredibly together I am, this blog is being written in the last week of National Get Organized Month. Better late than never, amirite?
Usually, when we focus on getting organized in this space, we talk about the office environment. Tidy up your desk or go through that disheveled pile of papers. New year, new you, and all that. Alas, the “office” environment is more likely to be the kitchen table or the den. That’s great because it gives you a much broader canvas with which to paint!
You’ve been spending more time at home than ever before, so why not expand your organizational horizons. What began as your temporary workspace has become a hybrid cubicle/lunch counter/conference room.
If we’re being completely honest here, this whole work-from-home thing has revealed that there are times during some days when we’re not exactly swamped. Use that time for yourself. Believe it or not, there are tangible benefits to getting organized:
- It saves time. A place for everything and everything in its place is an old adage that makes sense.
- Being organized reduces stress. Ever had that sickening feeling of not knowing where your phone is?
- It makes you more productive. Making “to do” lists actually helps you stay focused. There is also the sense of accomplishment when you mark things as “done”.
- You’ll sleep better. Setting and meeting goals has a calming effect on your nerves. Instead of lying in bed worried about what needs to be done you’ll be confident you have a plan.
- It helps you feel empowered and energized. You’ll feel less overwhelmed and more willing to tackle longer term projects.
- Meal planning is a big one. You’ll spend less and eat healthier.
- The position of “but I know where everything is” is a lie we tell ourselves to feel better about clutter. It’s the best time of year to get organized. We’re spending more time indoors in winter so we can focus on our immediate surroundings.
- De-cluttering can also be beneficial to your community. Donate those no longer needed items to your local Goodwill donation center. Those items will find a new home and you’ll be supporting numerous job training programs. Getting rid of that lamp or that outfit you never wear can be a step towards helping someone to change their life.
Take baby steps. Start with your e-mail. This is National Clean Out Your Inbox Week, after all.
Maybe it’s time to delete that e-mail thread from 2018? Or the 7543 deleted e-mails.
Like I said – baby steps.