Working Capital Blog

Dressing Up for Halloween at Work: 10 Do’s and Don’ts

For the first time in a few years, we are faced with the annual October issue – costuming at work: yes, or no? 

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Pros & Cons of Working in the Office on Mondays and Fridays in a Hybrid World

So your employer has asked you to return to the office following the end of the pandemic. The good news for those of you who like the flexibility that working from home provides is that your office has decided to implement a hybrid approach. You get to work from home two days a week. Nice!! But which two days??

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Three Ways to Celebrate Self-Improvement Month in September and Beyond!

The month of September ushers in a new season. A time when we collectively say goodbye to blistering summer heat and welcome in the cool crisp air of Fall. During this time, nature and wildlife begin to prune and retreat as they brace for colder months. It is the simple act of assessing where they are and reviewing what they need to progress to the next season.

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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month – Famous Individuals in the DC Area

As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, we wanted to use our blog to spotlight some of the famous Hispanic individuals who contribute to our DMV community.

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Our Five Favorite Cafes to Work Remotely in the DMV

With a coffee in hand, a delicious snack on the table, and soft music playing above, I find that local spots get my gears turning. They provide me with excitement and offer a new set of scenery - two things that help unlock new ideas.

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Personal Finances: Four Ways to Save Money While at Work

With our economy experiencing a season of inflation, it may feel a bit daunting each time you make a work-related purchase. But fear not! I’ve compiled a list of ways you may be able to reduce your work-related expenses and feel more financially at ease when you’re in the office.

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