Working Capital Blog

Women’s History Month Spotlight: Raenita Hector, Goodwill FDA Contract Site Project Manager

As part of Women’s History Month we continue to shine the spotlight on some of the great women we are blessed to have as part of our Goodwill of Greater Washington team. This week, it's Raenita Hector, Project Manager at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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Women’s History Month Spotlight: Dr. Chelsea Kirk, Goodwill Excel Center School Director

Since 1987, Women’s History Month has been celebrated every March in the United States. Its goal is to highlight women’s contribution to history, culture and society. In honor of that we wanted to shine the spotlight on Dr. Chelsea Kirk, the Goodwill Excel Center's School Director.

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5 Free Programs to Improve Your Leadership & Management Skills

Be proactive. Focus on your professional development. Gain the skills that will take you to the next level and give you the competitive advantage necessary to set yourself apart from others inside or outside of your organization. If money is an issue, there are free resources available that can offer tremendous value.

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Biden’s Workforce Policies – Good for Goodwill?

As we adjust to a change in our governmental leadership, we thought this would be a good time to look at the workforce policies the Biden administration is advocating. Our purpose is to merely outline what has been promised, not to offer any editorial comment.

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Can You Make a Love Connection Via Zoom?

While most of us are deciding between chocolates and flowers, there is an entire industry built around this hallmark holiday. So, we decided to do a little research to find what careers are possible in the romance industry.

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In Honor of My Mother, Maiola Thomas-Coleman

Grassroot efforts has always been something that has been a part of my family history, from my grandmother Tommie Thomas, receiving a Legacy Award from George Bush Sr., and my mother Maiola Coleman getting honored and placed in the Congressional Records. Both were for their work in the community and getting people resources such as employment, shelter, food etc.

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