Working Capital Blog

Stylish Back to Work COVID Gear: Are You the Next Fashion Icon?

While retail stores have all incorporated sneeze guards, protective masks, hand sanitizers, and six foot social distancing markers into daily operations, what will office COVID PPE look like? Nerdy or Gnarly?! Here are just a few trends that are all the buzz in the "Back to work” fashion community, so if you want to become a fashion influencer, now’s your chance.

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Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

Assuming that you start working full time at 21 and retire at 65, you will end up working over 91,000 hours - a sobering statistic to digest amidst a three-day weekend. That’s a lot of labor. It’s a good thing that we take one day a year to celebrate all that blood, sweat and toil.

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How Our Work From Home (WFH) Attitudes Have Evolved Over the Past Five Months

There is a lot of talk about how businesses will operationally adapt going forward. There is less discussion about how the workforce will adapt. More importantly, how the workforce feels about this new reality.

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5 Tips for Working From Home With Kids Virtually Going Back to School

Back to school season is finally upon us and for many parents, this time is unlike any other ever experienced before. The first day of school will not involve walking the kids to a bus stop. It doesn't require any picking up or taking children home from school. Packing a non-perishable but awesome first-day-of-school lunch is so 2019 (or is it!?).

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The Second Wave of COVID-19 – Now What?

Sadly, based on the data readily available, it seems that – overall – we are seeing more of a resurgence of the original infection curve than the beginning of a new outbreak. What does this mean to the workplace environment and, more personally, what does this mean to our workday experience as we move forward?

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How to Build a Strong Team in a Virtual World

How do we maintain our team spirit? As important, how do we continue to grow a culture of camaraderie when our co-workers have morphed into a two dimensional image? And, lastly, how do we incorporate the “newbies” into our culture?

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