Working Capital Blog

Cupid’s Arrow: Careers for Those Who Love Love

While most of us are deciding between chocolates and flowers, there is an entire industry built around this hallmark holiday. So, we decided to do a little research to find what careers are possible in the romance industry.

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Unremarkable and Typical, by Monique Wiley-Crawford

This Black History Month we hope you take the opportunity to remember the contributions of community health care advocates like midwives.

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Best Apps for Productivity

The goal of any software is to make your job easier and allow you to accomplish more in less time. Anyone who has wrestled with Excel can tell you that all software is not created equal but here are some mobile applications that may add to your efficiency.

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Welcome to the Workforce, Gen Z.

This is a quote from a song that most members of Generation Z will not know but with their slavish attention to the digital universe, they can find an answer rather easily.

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Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy Through Service

When honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., service and community should always be a part of our celebration.

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