Working Capital Blog

What To Do After The Job Fair

In a world where AI sorts out the wanted resumes from the unwanted, a job fair is where you can engage in actual human interaction with real live recruiters! Once you’ve worked that room – here are a few next steps you can take!

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Gone Phishing

While you do not need to be an expert in the world of hacking there, here are a few common sense steps you can take to avoid becoming a phishing victim.

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Engage, Employ, Invest During Goodwill Industries Week

As we spend the first week of May celebrating the positive and measurable impact Goodwill makes on our community, we hope that you will consider supporting our efforts!

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Spring Cleaning Your Office

Marie Kondo has inspired America to tidy up around the home...but have you considered giving the same attention to your workspace this spring?

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Some GOOD thoughts for Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day this year by visiting your local Goodwill! Donating to and shopping at Goodwill are good for the environment!

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Viva the RISE Evolution!

At Goodwill of Greater Washington, we have an acronym for our core values - RISE. It's a grand vision, but one we believe in. Here's to the NEW RISE - the RISE evolution!

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