Working Capital Blog

Career Development Goals For 2022 From Goodwill Team Members

At Goodwill of Greater Washington, our success is your success – we want to help you RISE to your fullest potential through our free job training programs, career coaching services, and other opportunities that our organization has to offer. Workforce development is in our blood. It's at the core of what we do, and our team is always eager to share their expertis

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“I’m Having Trouble With Zoom!”: 2022 Workplace Culture Forecast

To say that the COVID-19 pandemic has permanently changed workplace culture would be the boldest understatement (so far) in 2022. It's hard to believe we are entering year three of this new reality. Who could have imagined that many people are still working remotely?

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What Will 2022 Bring to Goodwill of Greater Washington?

As they have been for most nonprofit organizations, the past two years have been challenging for Goodwill of Greater Washington. We have struggled with the pandemic resulting in temporary furloughs, store closures, illness, and the death of colleagues and family members. We have grappled with supply chain delays, workforce shortages, and significant drops...

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Opportunities Abound: Goodwill’s Job Training Programs in 2022

We are offering at least two refreshed job training programs in 2022. And as always, at no cost to members in need in our greater Washington community. 

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What’s Appropriate? Gift Etiquette at Work

With the holidays fast approaching, some shoppers celebrate, having completed their holiday lists in time, while others are just beginning. While family and friends are sure to top our lists this year, there’s another segment that is often overlooked. Not because we don’t care but, surprisingly, because we’re not sure what’s appropriate.

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5 Thrifted Gift Ideas for Your Colleagues

Instead of heading over to a big box store to pick up a generic "Thank You" mug or bag of festive candies that someone at your workplace might have also received, we're imploring you to head to your nearest Goodwill to thrift resources for gifts that will make your coworkers feel like you really care about and pay attention to them - which you do!

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